We all have a sphere of influence. It might be at home, at work, or in our neighborhood.
As Christian women, we often encounter people and situations that beckon us to interact as Godly examples and mentors.
The Apostle Paul was writing to Titus (his true son in the faith) to remind him to appoint elders (overseers) in every town. The growing church needed leadership and direction. It needed mature believers to mentor and train-up fellow believers in their day to day walk with God.
How does that apply to us - women of faith - Moms, Grandmothers, Aunts, Sisters, and Wives...
Titus 2:3-5 says this: "...They [older women] are to teach what is good, so they may encourage the young women to love their husbands and to love their children, to be self-controlled, pure, homemakers, kind, and submissive to their husbands, so that God's message will not be slandered."

Part of the charge to women in particular is to love their husbands and be submissive to them, so that God's message and His name would not be slandered. Submission is a word that many women run from - but that is not necessary. Find out why in a blog post I wrote about submission here:
Not every woman will teach Sunday School or lead a Bible study at church, but you can reach a new generation with the powerful message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can you be involved in mentoring a young woman? What practical steps can you take?
You can devote your time, energy and encouragement to her. You can be available to talk and offer Biblical counsel. You can offer assistance with child care, errands, and life skills. You can meet for Bible study, devotions, and prayer time. The list is endless... be creative!
My former daughter-in-law recently gave her life to Jesus and was baptized with my granddaughter. She is truly a new creation in Christ. This was a young lady that had absolutely no interest in living a Christian lifestyle when she met and married our son (who was not walking with the Lord). Growing up, she had been raised in church and attended a Catholic school - but as many young people do - she wandered away from God's truth.
I now have the honor and privilege of being a mentor and a spiritual Mom to her. It has been exhilarating and exhausting - all at the same time. Our emotions peak and fall like a ride on a roller-coaster at times, but I know deep in my heart God can get us through it together. We are family, and we always will be...
For those of you who are in an unequally-yoked marriage and still have young children living in your home - here is the link to a wonderful resource by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller titled:
On a personal side note - since my Dad passed away two years ago, my mother and I make it a point to meet for dinner every Thursday night after she gets her hair done. She still drives (for now) and relishes her liberty. I'm so thankful we can enjoy each other's company and can be a spiritual support for each other.
Enjoy your Mom if you still have her. Thank God for His Word and Biblical pattern for being a spiritual Mom to someone special in your life.
As Christian women, we often encounter people and situations that beckon us to interact as Godly examples and mentors.
The Apostle Paul was writing to Titus (his true son in the faith) to remind him to appoint elders (overseers) in every town. The growing church needed leadership and direction. It needed mature believers to mentor and train-up fellow believers in their day to day walk with God.
How does that apply to us - women of faith - Moms, Grandmothers, Aunts, Sisters, and Wives...
Titus 2:3-5 says this: "...They [older women] are to teach what is good, so they may encourage the young women to love their husbands and to love their children, to be self-controlled, pure, homemakers, kind, and submissive to their husbands, so that God's message will not be slandered."

Part of the charge to women in particular is to love their husbands and be submissive to them, so that God's message and His name would not be slandered. Submission is a word that many women run from - but that is not necessary. Find out why in a blog post I wrote about submission here:
For those of us who have children and grandchildren, being MOM to our adult kids never really ends.Our influence might evolve and morph into more of a "support" role. If you are like most Moms, you still give unsolicited advice and occasionally do one of those irritating Mom things. However, our adult children are no less needy and deserving of our time, energy and wisdom than when they were young. Now, more than ever, we need to mentor them and guide them into greater spiritual truth. They will make their own choices and live with those consequences. We are to pray for them and their walk with God.
If you are a mature Christian - both in years and experience - you have something to offer younger women!
Not every woman will teach Sunday School or lead a Bible study at church, but you can reach a new generation with the powerful message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can you be involved in mentoring a young woman? What practical steps can you take?
You can devote your time, energy and encouragement to her. You can be available to talk and offer Biblical counsel. You can offer assistance with child care, errands, and life skills. You can meet for Bible study, devotions, and prayer time. The list is endless... be creative!
My former daughter-in-law recently gave her life to Jesus and was baptized with my granddaughter. She is truly a new creation in Christ. This was a young lady that had absolutely no interest in living a Christian lifestyle when she met and married our son (who was not walking with the Lord). Growing up, she had been raised in church and attended a Catholic school - but as many young people do - she wandered away from God's truth.
I now have the honor and privilege of being a mentor and a spiritual Mom to her. It has been exhilarating and exhausting - all at the same time. Our emotions peak and fall like a ride on a roller-coaster at times, but I know deep in my heart God can get us through it together. We are family, and we always will be...
For those of you who are in an unequally-yoked marriage and still have young children living in your home - here is the link to a wonderful resource by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller titled:
On a personal side note - since my Dad passed away two years ago, my mother and I make it a point to meet for dinner every Thursday night after she gets her hair done. She still drives (for now) and relishes her liberty. I'm so thankful we can enjoy each other's company and can be a spiritual support for each other.
Enjoy your Mom if you still have her. Thank God for His Word and Biblical pattern for being a spiritual Mom to someone special in your life.
is the author of a Christian non-fiction book titled “Mission Possible”. It is
written for women who love the Lord Jesus, but their spouse doesn’t share their
passion. It will encourage and challenge
the reader to embrace God’s promises for their spouse and future together.
If you have been encouraged by this post - please take time to
share it with others.
This is so good, Deborah! I love that Titus 2 example and having the privilege of mentoring others, and being mentored. Your former daughter-in-law is such a beautiful picture of this and, wow, what God has done through you. So inspiring, my friend. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your sweet encouragement. Sorry it took so long to respond. God is indeed doing great things - all for HIS glory!