Valentine's Day is just around the corner.
In honor of NATIONAL MARRIAGE Week (Feb. 7th -14th) I'm hosting a giveaway featuring a copy of the new movie COURAGEOUS along with a few other goodies!
Here's what you have to do for a chance to win this Valentine's Day Giveaway package:
Simply answer one of the questions at the end of this devotional on 'Courage', and I'll choose a Winner on February 9th and announce it on this Blog. Don't forget to write your answer in the "Post a Comment" box (below) and check back for the winner. I'll be mailing out the gift package right away!
The gift package will include the movie COURAGEOUS on DVD, microwave popcorn, a few Valentine goodies, and a copy of my paperback book MISSION POSSIBLE.
Don't forget to leave your answer in the "Post a Comment" box (below) for a chance to win the Valentine's Day Giveaway package.
In honor of NATIONAL MARRIAGE Week (Feb. 7th -14th) I'm hosting a giveaway featuring a copy of the new movie COURAGEOUS along with a few other goodies!
Here's what you have to do for a chance to win this Valentine's Day Giveaway package:
Simply answer one of the questions at the end of this devotional on 'Courage', and I'll choose a Winner on February 9th and announce it on this Blog. Don't forget to write your answer in the "Post a Comment" box (below) and check back for the winner. I'll be mailing out the gift package right away!

"Courage" is showcased in the Bible
In Joshua Chapter 1 God told Joshua to be courageous before he led the Israelites into the Promised Land. He commanded him to exhibit courage three separate times. Gideon was also extolled to be courageous in the book of Judges, as was Zerubbabel in the book of Haggai.
There are also several women in the Bible who were courageous. Three of my favorite examples are Sarah, Moses' mother, and Eunice.
In Genesis 12 we find Sarai (Sarah) following Abram to Egypt during a time of famine in Canaan. He convinced her to tell the Egyptians that she was his sister, and not his wife, for fear of losing his life. It took great courage for her to agree to the plan, one in which God Himself intervened.
Exodus Chapter 2 gives us the story of Moses' mother, who going against orders from the King of Egypt, hid her young son in the bulrushes and trusted God to protect him from harm. Her courage and obedience led the way for Moses to become the leader of his people, and an instrument of God against Pharaoh.
II Timothy Chapter 1:5 tells us that the Apostle Paul reminded young Timothy of his family heritage, including the fact that his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois were instrumental in his spiritual upbringing. I conclude that Eunice was courageous in her instruction and example of raising her son as a Jewish believer, while it is widely accepted that Timothy's father was a Greek.
The movie COURAGEOUS is a wonderful story of redemption, renewal and re-commitment to family values and leadership within the home. It's a "feel good" flick for men and women alike. Living in a spiritually mismatched marriage presents its own set of challenges and hurdles to overcome. This film will minister to both sexes as it helps to define biblical roles within the family unit - especially as it pertains to fathers and husbands.
Our society has diminished a man's role in his family by often portraying them in a negative light in movies, TV, and commercials. Hollywood stereotypes and role models have left many longing for the "days of old" when it comes to men and their true worth. The movie COURAGEOUS brings a sense of hope and encouragement to families that have struggled with life's twists and turns, and gives men a godly example to emulate.
On of my favorite Bible verses regarding courage is this: "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!" (Psalm 27:13-14)
There are also several women in the Bible who were courageous. Three of my favorite examples are Sarah, Moses' mother, and Eunice.
In Genesis 12 we find Sarai (Sarah) following Abram to Egypt during a time of famine in Canaan. He convinced her to tell the Egyptians that she was his sister, and not his wife, for fear of losing his life. It took great courage for her to agree to the plan, one in which God Himself intervened.
Exodus Chapter 2 gives us the story of Moses' mother, who going against orders from the King of Egypt, hid her young son in the bulrushes and trusted God to protect him from harm. Her courage and obedience led the way for Moses to become the leader of his people, and an instrument of God against Pharaoh.
II Timothy Chapter 1:5 tells us that the Apostle Paul reminded young Timothy of his family heritage, including the fact that his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois were instrumental in his spiritual upbringing. I conclude that Eunice was courageous in her instruction and example of raising her son as a Jewish believer, while it is widely accepted that Timothy's father was a Greek.
The movie COURAGEOUS is a wonderful story of redemption, renewal and re-commitment to family values and leadership within the home. It's a "feel good" flick for men and women alike. Living in a spiritually mismatched marriage presents its own set of challenges and hurdles to overcome. This film will minister to both sexes as it helps to define biblical roles within the family unit - especially as it pertains to fathers and husbands.
Our society has diminished a man's role in his family by often portraying them in a negative light in movies, TV, and commercials. Hollywood stereotypes and role models have left many longing for the "days of old" when it comes to men and their true worth. The movie COURAGEOUS brings a sense of hope and encouragement to families that have struggled with life's twists and turns, and gives men a godly example to emulate.
On of my favorite Bible verses regarding courage is this: "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!" (Psalm 27:13-14)
We know it takes COURAGE to live in a spiritually uneven marriage.
What would you say has been the most courageous thing you have done in your
marriage with regards to your unsaved spouse?
How does the Lord give you the courage to stay committed to your spouse in your unequally-yoked marriage?
What would you say has been the most courageous thing you have done in your
marriage with regards to your unsaved spouse?
How does the Lord give you the courage to stay committed to your spouse in your unequally-yoked marriage?
Don't forget to leave your answer in the "Post a Comment" box (below) for a chance to win the Valentine's Day Giveaway package.
Deborah is the
author of a Christian non-fiction book titled “Mission Possible”. It is written for women who love the Lord
Jesus, but their spouse doesn’t share their passion. It will encourage and challenge the reader to
embrace God’s promises for their spouse and future together. Visit
This verse really sums all up for me in my marriage.
ReplyDeleteBecause of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
Thanks- In His Grace, Dawn
Wonderful verse - thanks for sharing this one Dawn! He is indeed our strength and resolve...
DeleteConvinced him to go to church with our children. It made an impact on him for the better!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful testimony Carolyn! Indeed, our children often prod the hearts of our spouses in a good way...
DeleteAs for my house we will serve the Lord. Jon goes to church with us and without saying a word, I have seen changes in his life. As for all of us, there is still more to be changed. Every morning and night, I pray that Jon will turn towards God more and be willing to give all of his life to Jesus. He has been hurt by his earthly father, that Jon has a hard time with trying to find his way. But I know with God's help and for those who are prying for him, Jon will.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your heart. Committing yourself and your children to God and His teachings are paramount to raising your family to trust God and serve Him. May God touch Jon on a personal way and reveal Himself to him when he least expects it. Praying for your miracle!
DeleteHow does the Lord give you the courage to stay committed to your spouse in your unequally-yoked marriage?
ReplyDeleteGod gives me courage to stay committed because of His promise to me,,,i look for things eternal ,,not temporary,,there are many many days that this is hard but i know in the end I will answer for my words and actions towards my unsaved spouse,,,so i keep this in mind,,,,,i truly can say i love my spouse even when i dont feel this,,,after all Jesus loves me no matter what i do!
mary ann jacob
Amen! Jesus first loved us and always will, no matter what we've done or will do. Nothing can separate us from His love. I empathize with you and know what it is like to live with a spouse who doesn't share your passion for the Lord. Stay devoted to him and God will work in his heart.
ReplyDeletePsalm 27:13-14 is a great verse. Thanks for reminding us all of it.
For me the Lord's gift of courage comes from his Word full of promises and hope and the gift of his Spirit which is within me (and it truly is his gift because I am a coward and I am weak. I would take the easy way out if not for him). History has shown his Word is trustworthy and reliable. From this my courage comes from and on it it rests. I look to God who has been there through difficult times in my past, is with me now in difficult times of the present and I am assured, will be with me in difficult times in the future. My courage comes from trusting in who God is. Without him I would be one hopelessly lost scared soul.
P.S. I love you sister! -- I have seen the movie and I have your book so don't pick me :)
God Bless!
Thanks Adriana - you're a gem! I agree with you, in the flesh I am not confrontational - I tend to be a coward too. God has shown me that love-coated words and actions do more to stir a heart than sermons. God bless you my sister :)
DeleteHow does the Lord give you the courage to stay committed to your spouse in your unequally-yoked marriage?
ReplyDelete1 Peter 3:1-2
1 Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.
When the going gets tough in my marriage I am reminded of this and of Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
I find looking at the flaws in myself makes me more accepting of others. As I get into His Word I find the answers and the courage to stay the course. 1 Timothy 2:3-43 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Carol Pady
Yes - so much truth in those Scriptures! Thanks! God's Word encourages our hearts and stills our minds. Pressing into Him is key to overlooking others' flaws and imperfections, especially our spouses.
ReplyDeleteGreat sharing :)
Same here. 1 Peter 3:1-2.
ReplyDeleteGod led me to these verses while I was praying for changes in my unsaved husband's life. It was hard to swallow at first, but I've been making very slow progress in letting the Lord change me first.
Wonderful verses Daixin. I Peter 3 is one of those "in your face" messages to women, and when we take it to heart, it changes ours! Thanks for sharing & I'll check out your blog! :)
DeleteI am blessed to be married to a saved man, but I was impressed by the witness of three special women in my life who lived their lives as pleasing to the Lord while being married to unsaved men. To my knowlege, because of their testimonies, all three of these women's husbands accepted Christ. I know that one of them shared that they didn't think they were courageous, they were just doing what Christ said; winning their husbands through their actions and trust in Christ.
ReplyDeleteKathy you bless me with your comments! Your book is full of wonderful women who loved Jesus. Many women don't feel "courageous" - they just feel they are being obedience to their Lord. And yes, many men do come to know Jesus because of their persevering wives.
DeleteReposting comment:
ReplyDeleteFirst, you quoted one of my favorite scriptures: Psalm 27:13-14. Those verses have sustained me through many dark and trying times.
Question: How does the Lord give you the courage to stay committed to your spouse in your unequally-yoked marriage?
God has mercifully given me signs through divine coincidences, scripture and out right miracles that I am in the union He has chosen. These incidents have been beyond anything I expected and have reinforced my bond and my commitment to my husband. Whenever I falter, He sends another amazing messenger to give me the hope, the strength, the courage and the faith to continue.
I don't falter as much now, and I am bolstered much quicker, all due to the increase of my faith and a deeper bond with my husband
Beautiful sharing Cecilia. Thanks for your heartfelt testimony of how God moves us through stages in our life towards His ultimate will. Our husbands are a gift from God. Our obedience to Him is key to our marital success and our spouse's God awareness. Blessings my friend. :)
DeleteFirst I want to praise God for His goodness, grace and mercy in my life and my marriage.
ReplyDeleteSo often I remind myself that God has purpose in suffering. That He has ordained all things, even the man I would marry. It is for Him and by Him that He created all things. It is for His glory!
The things that motivates me to be courageous is ... The Finnished Work of our Lord and Savior, He has already overcome. Althought the battle is raging, in it and through it He is teaching me to overcome. The fact that I am a work in progress Through the suffering and struggles I know that He is developing character in me, the character of Christ (Rom 8:29) and that He is working all things for good in my life.(Rom 8:28) . The faithfulness of God, His Word, His Son and His Spirit. The power of God that is available and so often underestimated, the power that raised Jesus from the dead. My spiritual Husband whom I love and serve with my whole heart.(Is 54:5) and the reputation of God. The model of Christ and the church, the bride being made ready for the Groom, the comming of my Sweet Lord. And each morning, each new day, His mercy and the sufficiency of His grace. My children, the precious gift I received from the Lord who are protected by the bond of marriage. Scripture, especially 1Peter , Colossians, and Ephesians. And those praying and holding up my arms in the times the battle is fierce.
The most courages thing I have done , is not to bail out of my marriage. To live by faith and not by sight or my feelings.( and making this post)
I so often tell my friends that I have a great marriage because it is exactly what God had in mind, but I do not have the greatest relationship as a result of us being two sinners, I praise God for my marriage and I pray and hope for a relationship that will honor God.
Thank you so much for your encouragement, what a blessing. Praying for you and your readers and bloggers that are courageous in sharing.
Thank you for your thought provoking comments. God's purposes in our suffering and triumph will never be understood fully by us. However, you are correct in saying that Jesus is our great motivator, and the One who give us our courage to walk in our spiritually mismatched marriage.
DeleteBelieving for things "unseen" is the foundation of our faith and I agree that the commitment to stay in our marriage is paramount to our living out that promise daily. God's Word is our hope and strength. In Him we live and move and have our being...
In the home we are confronted daily with sin, our own and that of others. But I think the hardest thing to deal with is the fact that they are there to show us our own sinfulness. Being confronted by my own sinfulness is where I find the greatest struggle. The other is expectations, unless they are in The Lord my spiritual husband I set myself up for more disappointment. I am thankful for my husband and the sovereignty of God in everything, the dinamics of this relationship is the one tool the Lord has used to conform me and keep me on my knees.
DeleteKnowing that Jesus is the greatest motivator has helped me resist temptation better.
Thank you for your response you are so encouraging
Amen Esme... Expectations based on our perception of what our spouses can do are flawed. Our "happiness factor" is based on our relationship with Jesus, and not on our human understanding of what marriage is all about. Praise God for His unfailing love and sovereign ways...
DeleteThe Valentine's Day Giveaway is now CLOSED. The winner was announced on my Blog today. Here is a link to the new post announcing the lucky winner: