Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine's Day - Do You Have That "Loving Feeling"?

Love is in the air... 

But is it in your marriage?  Do you demonstrate your love to your husband in the little things you do?  Does he see your love in action - even in the private moments?

Ephesians 5 commands us to walk in love towards one another. Paul was teaching on submitting to one another in the fear of God (verse 21). Husbands are admonished to love their wives just as Christ loved the church. The great mystery Paul talks about not only has to do with the “leaving and cleaving” in a physical union between and man and woman, but also of Christ and His Church. We leave the world and cleave unto Him.

When we marry, we forsake all others for our husband. We are his alone. Just as Israel played the harlot and was unfaithful to God, we too can become “unfaithful” in our marriage concerning our allegiance to our spouse. Our husband is our gift from above – our  completer, not our competitor. God wants our focus to be on our mate and our marriage. 

Paul’s last point in Ephesians 5 is, “Let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”  This is the point:  women generally have no problem “loving” – but they often have difficulty “respecting” their husband. Honor and respect goes a long way in forging a lasting and healthy relationship. This applies whether you are both Christians, or if you are unequally-yoked in your marriage. God wills that the wife love and respect her husband.

The message that was given to the church at Ephesus in the book of Revelation was to the point and quite startling.  Jesus acknowledged their works, labor, patience and endurance. He commended their perseverance, but He also reprimanded them for one important thing:  they left their first loveHe told them to repent and do the first works.  

That got me to thinking...  If you don't abandon your first Love, you won't abandon your second love (your spouse).  Christ is the key to loving your husband in a way that brings glory to God.

God sent us a Valentine in Jesus...

He demonstrated His own love toward me, that while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me (Romans 5:8).

For God so loved the world (me) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believed in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on me, that I should be called a child of God 

By this I know love, because He laid down His life for me (I John 3:16).

Love Is In The Air -  (this will take you back a few years! - Disco style)

Show some love... I shared this list on my  Anniversary Blog Post  (January 2nd 2012)

“30 Things I Love Most About My Husband"
  1. Funny
  2. Romantic
  3. Generous           
  4. Careful
  5. Sacrificial
  6. Organized
  7. Mindful
  8.   (etc...)

Finally - share with me your thoughts on love...

What verse do you claim when you're not  "feeling the love" ?

What verse gives you the grace to love like Christ does in your marriage?


Deborah is the author of a Christian non-fiction book titled “Mission Possible”.  It is written for women who love the Lord Jesus, but their spouse doesn’t share their passion.  It will encourage and challenge the reader to embrace God’s promises for their spouse and future together.  Visit



  1. Great post Deborah! The Lord had me camp in 1 Cor. 13 for several months over a year ago, reflecting on the way in which I related to my husband in our unequally yoked marriage. My goodness, how much I witnessed the change for which I had longed for so long when I began to apply God's word from that chapter.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Shari. I've also done a great study on I Corinthians 13, and God always has something new to show me regarding my attitude and actions towards my husband. Application is indeed key to seeing results. Why are we so slow to obey? Be blessed my friend...

  2. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us, Deborah! I have featured this post on the Ruby community page today, and will be sending it out to all of the members and posting on FB and Twitter. Don't forget to send in an article for the March issue of the magazine if you haven't already ;o) I'm working on it this week . . . . I was sick all last week so I'm a bit behind, but working diligently this week to get caught up. Have a blessed Valentine's Day! Love, Nina

  3. Thank you Nina - you're such a blessing! I just love the "Love is in the Air" song from yesteryear! God's Word always brings such comfort and conviction during Valentine's Day... ouch! :)



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