Amanda is a wife of 15 years, mother of 4 children (ages 2 to 10), and the author of YOU CAN HAVE A HAPPY FAMILY - Steps to Enjoying Your Marriage and Children.
Amanda is sharing a blog post with us today titled -
From Adultery
My husband is a straight forward, tell you like it is, man. I've always admired that about him. There is no sugar coating with him. If you are doing something wrong, he'll tell you.
Recently, my husband’s co-worker, who is married, showed my husband an explicit email he received from his ex-girlfriend. His co-worker proudly showed it off, implying: “Isn't that cool?”
Of course, my husband didn't hold back his opinion. "Are you crazy?" my husband yelled, while reminding him about his wife and children.
A few days later, my husband overheard his co-worker whispering on the phone at his desk. My husband knew he was talking to that woman. So he started sending him warning messages that popped up on his computer.
"Run!" he wrote. "Flee from it!" he warned. "Don't throw away your family" he reminded him. My husband then wrote a message illustrating this man’s family as the light and the girl as the darkness, while admonishing him to choose the light.
After the man got off the phone, he came up to my husband and thanked him, with gratitude, for snapping him back to reality. This man is a non-believer, but he surprisingly acknowledged Jesus in my husband for showing him the light.
Later that evening, my husband received a call from his co-worker's wife. Though she wasn't too happy with her husband, she was thankful my husband stopped him. She was grateful my husband didn't sit back and silently watch her husband as he was led astray by the seductive words of his ex-girlfriend.
“With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk. All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life.” —Proverbs 7:21-23
I am so proud of my husband for not keeping silent. I praise him for using godly wisdom and fighting for that family.
"Brothers, if someone is caught in sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently." —Galatians 6:1
you are "flirting" around with temptation today, flee from it! Run
and don't look back! The more this man "flirted" with the temptation,
the more it blinded him from reality. If God hadn't used my husband to be the
voice of reason, I'm sure he would have fallen into the deadly trap that would
have cost him his family.
"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins man commits are outside the body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." —1 Corinthians 6:18
"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins man commits are outside the body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." —1 Corinthians 6:18

We’re not perfect. God will always make a way out
when we fall. There may be consequences for what we’ve done, but God is able to
work them out for the good of our families if we turn to Him. Psalm 103:10 says
that God does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our
iniquities. Verse 14 says that God knows how we were
formed. He remembers we are dust. This means God knows we are going to make
mistakes. It’s our nature.
God can take the consequences that come from the
wrong choices we make and use those to teach us. When we allow God to teach us
through our consequences, we learn and grow from our mistakes. God uses the
consequences to open our eyes and lead us to where we need to be. Like I said
earlier, in my marriage, God used my consequences to open my eyes to see I was
searching in the wrong direction. It was not where I wanted to go.
I praise God He was imploring me to turn to Him
instead of abandoning me in my mess. I know I deserved more consequences than I
received. I praise God I didn’t turn away from His warnings because I know I
would be in a heap of a mess today. Instead, I am set free from sin and have a
transformed family.
Amanda Beth is the author of You Can Have a Happy Family – Steps to Enjoying Your Marriage and Children (available at: Amazon & Barnes & Noble ). She has experienced a transformation in her life and marriage since she surrendered her heart to Christ ten years ago. She now passionately desires to help other individuals and families find healing in Christ. Her teachings on marriage and spiritual growth can be found on her website ( and her blog (

What an excellent post! Thank you Deborah for sharing this with us.
ReplyDeleteAnd Amanda Beth, praise God for men like your husband that are willing to stand for the Truth. Thank you for sharing this with us today. Satan's tricks are as old as time itself ~ unfortunately most won't stand against wrong.
What an encouragement to know that even when everyone else is doing wrong, it doesn't have to be me!
Amanda - thanks for stopping by! Amanda B. has a husband that is truly "tuned in" to God's voice and recognizes the tricks of the devil. Praise God for his witness - yes!
DeleteThank you, Deborah, for having me on your blog! It's an honor to me.:)
DeleteAmanda, Thank you for the kind comment. I am so happy and proud of my husband. I had to share it with others.:)
Blessings to you both:)
Great post, Amanda! So glad your hubby held that man accountable and was such a great witness. Saying a prayer for the man's (and his family's) salvation. Thanks, Deborah, for having Amanda as your guest.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lynn! We're praying for their family too. It's amazing to see God work through this situation. God bless you:)
DeleteI was reading in Amanda Beth's book this morning, so it was neat to see this blog post linked on fb. Amanda has written a great book. Thanks for highlighting here today.
ReplyDeleteAmanda - good blog post! Your husband did a brave and good thing intervening in his friend's thought process and behavior.
There are 4 adultery-sections in Proverbs. In each one of them the man is approached by a woman seeking to lead him into an affair. And in each section the man is held accountable for his decision. (
In all temptations God provides a way out, so we really are without excuse. In this situation, your husband proved to be the co-workers "way out." It is too his credit that he listened.
Great post!
Wonderful comment, Warren! That's so true. In all temptations God gives us a way out. It's great to see that even when we ignore God's voice, He sends others to warn us. He sees the danger ahead and does everything He can to warn us.
DeleteThanks for the compliment on my book. I'm glad you enjoy it. It's definitely all God!
God bless:)
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your sweet comments! Yes - Amanda has a jewel of a husband and a great book on marriage!
Thank you for affirming Amanda's helpful book on marriage. God surely protected that friend's marriage using her hubby. Glad you stopped by my blog.
Thanks for men like Amanda's husband who is not afraid to speak of. Great post.
ReplyDeleteMartha Bush
Thanks for your comment, Martha:) My husband can't believe how much that impacted not only his co-worker's family, but so many others because of having this post on the internet.
DeleteBlessings to you!
Thank you! Perfect message for today's day and age with the ease of communication. I have a younger friend, 30-ish, who said it is very hard to date people these days because of the lack of commitment because of the social mediums. I enter the same arena because the scenario you mentioned above did happen in my marriage.
ReplyDeleteAmanda has a wonderful resource here for married couples, and this instance of her husband rising to the occasion to help a coworker is phenomenal. :)
DeleteI'm so sorry that happened in your marriage. Praying for you and your family! I have a wonderful post (excerpt from my book) about forgiving adultery. Here's the link:
DeleteThank you, Deborah, for the kind comment! I love sharing this story about my husband. I'm so proud of him. It only strengthens my trust in him as well.
Blessing to you both:)
Amanda visited my blog and has such a heart for healthy, happy marriages. :O)
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting Diane. Amanda has a great book, and yes - she is in inspiration indeed :)
DeleteThanks so much for visiting. Please come back often and enjoy the posts featuring Bible study, guest authors, and more!