Friday, November 2, 2012

November is Military Family Appreciation Month

Did you know that November has been designated Military Family Appreciation Month by the President and the US Department of Defense?

The  U S Dept. of Defense  has information and updates from last year's activities and stories.  Military families that are dealing with one or both parents on deployment have a multitude of resources to help with their family obligations and day to day struggles.

The President designated November to be a month of awareness of what military families face and how we as a grateful nation can participate in helping them.

There are projects across this nation started by moms, wives, sisters, and whole communities to tackle some of the most demanding needs. Everything from playgrounds to school projects, Thanksgiving meals and pre-Christmas shopping to childcare are just some of the ways you can make a difference in the life of a military family you know.

Yard work, small home repairs and automobile maintenance is another way neighbors can help their military community.  Baby showers, wedding planning and school prom preparation is always welcome.  There are so many opportunities to help a military family - the list is unending.  Use your imagination and come up with a unique way to serve a member of our armed services.

What are some special things you have done for a local military family?  Do you inquire within your neighborhood or at church to see if there is someone who would benefit from a helping hand?  Is another important resource for information regarding Military Family Appreciation Month, as well as helps for military families and their support grid.  There are links to financial, educational and military benefit sites, along with news stories relating to the armed forces.

One of our favorite Military charities is the  Wounded Warrior Project      Their organization exists to help those who have incurred service related injury or illness during service to their country. We are proud to be a monthly contributor to such an excellent provider of services and support for our troops and their families.  Please visit their website and consider becoming a partner with this extraordinary group.

While our son has been on deployment in the Mideast aboard the USS Iwo Jima, we have sent him numerous boxes with various magazines, personal hygiene items, power bars, coffee, tea, dried fruits, popular sweets and snacks, photos, cards, and more. Personal requests made it more of a "scavenger hunt" on some occasions, but overall it's been great fun putting them together to mail.

Sean & Sydney 2012
As a mom of a US Marine, I have taken on the personal mission of sending various Christian devotionals, magazines and books - without overdoing it (if you know what I mean). Just my way of giving him a little spiritual boost from the home front.  I encourage you to take advantage of the fact that when they are far from home their hearts are often open to the Word of God.

Here are some of my favorite verses that you can pray over your loved one while they serve their country:

Lord, thank You that the Spirit of the Lord will rest upon them. The spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge, and the fear of the Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ.  (Isaiah 11:2)

Lord, thank You that You require of them to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with their God. In the name of Jesus Christ.  (Micah 6:8)

Lord, thank You that You will instruct them, and teach them the way in which they should go, You will counsel them with Your eye upon them.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  (Psalm 32:8)

Lord, thank You that if any of them lacks wisdom, they will ask of You, Who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to them.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  (James 1:5)

Lord, thank You that You are faithful, and You will strengthen and protect them from the evil one.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  (II Thessalonians 3:3)

Lord, thank You that they can cast all their anxiety upon You, because You care for them.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  (I Peter 5:7)

Tell me some of your favorite military charities and organizations that you support.  What is one of the best things anyone has done for your family while your loved one served in the military?  Do you have a story to share about something you've done to help out a family in need?

So - it is November 2nd - that means you have 28 more days to show your appreciation to a military family near you!  

Deborah is the author of a Christian non-fiction book titled “Mission Possible”. It is written for women who love the Lord Jesus, but their spouse doesn’t share their passion.  It will encourage and challenge the reader to embrace God’s promises for their spouse and future together. 



  1. Love the photo of Sean & Sydney! Our church collected all kinds of goodies to send to our military overseas. It's nice to be able to contribute even in smalls ways.

    1. Hi Dee - glad you stopped by! I love bragging on the military whenever I can. Sean is due to come home right after Thanksgiving. He's been gone since late March.

      I agree - all the little things we do add up to a big "thanks"!

  2. Sweet precious pictures. Great post. Blessings, Diane Roark visit anytime.

    1. Diane - I appreciate your kind remarks! Thanks for caring about our troop and their families. I have also visited your site :)



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